Friday, November 23, 2012

Isolation by technology

(Feel free to use the previous picture as you wish)

(The following is an explanation of sorts for the previous image, a sign that I think it's become a necessity in some places): 

In matters of a randomly themed post, I think it's easy to come up with a few ideas, but this is an issue that's been bothering me for while now, and I thought I'd let it loose here.

  Recently, I keep seeing the same thing over and over around many public areas in my town. Mainly, shopping malls food courts, and, of course, places with free, open wi-fi available.

  There's been a recent boom in the acquisition of tablets in my country; almost anyone has a tablet, one way or another (not necessarily a fancy, shiny iPad, or a Galaxy, but other low-priced Android tablets).
Ironically, the number of people who posses a smartphone, is not even close to a third of the number of people in possession of a tablet.

  I'm not against technological evolution, in fact, I consider myself a huge technology geek --I've got a 7" tablet myself--, but when technology messes up your human interaction, that's a different matter.

  Lately, if you go to the places I mentioned above, you're going to find self-absorbed people, incapable of the most basic human interaction, such as saying "Hello". Don't even try asking for any help, in any matter; these specimens seem incapable of even giving directions, I guess it's because their attention span is just around 3 or 4 seconds tops.
If you were looking for help, or just a few words, you'll leave the place frustrated --after a few attempts--, with anger oozing out trough your pores.

The next picture summarizes my feelings, kinda:

  If this phenomenon keeps going,  it'll have several ugly consequences, such as one I've christened "Language graphic substitution disorder", I'll write about it in a later post, meanwhile, I think every place where people go to immerse themselves in their devices should have a special area for them, and an accordingly placed sign, like the one at the start of the post

  On other news, In terms of creative work, I've been kind of down lately; too much of my time is being sucked by a tedious project, the end of which I just can't wait to see. I hope I'll be able to post more frequently, and write much more, so that I can finish a few things before Xmas.

Anyway, write you later,

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